Basic Information about Pamunkey Regional Library

  • eBooks, audiobooks, movies, music, comics, and magazines are always available. For more information, go to our Digital Library or search our catalog.

  • Most materials circulate for 4 weeks; high demand materials circulate for 2 weeks.

  • Materials may be renewed up to 2 times and then must be returned for shelving.

  • Renewals can be done by using our library catalog or by calling or visiting your local library.

  • Fines are 5 cents per day per item, up to a maximum of $5.00 per item.

  • Cards are blocked when either 10 items are overdue or $5.00 is owed to the library.

  • Up to 75 items may be checked out at any time, per card.

  • Available items can be delivered from one library to another. Some reference items may be delivered from one library to another for use in the library. Please ask a staff member about this service.

  • E-mail options: Do you want to receive an email when an item you requested has arrived at your library? Give us your email address to get this option. The library will email you when your materials are available, it's time to renew, or your items are overdue. If you choose this option, you will need to allow e-mail from "" to go through your spam filter to receive this service.

  • Additional Services:
    • Meeting rooms are available with a valid library card at many of our branches. Please ask at your local library for more information.

    • Study/Collaboration rooms are available for individual or small group use. Please check at your local library branch for availability.

    • Ask a Question is available through chat on our website, email (, and text/SMS (804-331-6726). Librarians can provide short, factual answers to your brief questions, give links to relevant and reliable sites, assist with the use and enjoyment of our Digital Library, and suggest other sources when needed. Our circulation staff is happy to answer your questions when our Librarians aren’t otherwise available.

    • Looking for something good to read? Our circulation staff will be happy to make recommendations to fit your needs.

    • Programs for children, teens, adults, and the whole family are ongoing and are listed on our website and on flyers available at your local branch.

To find our more how the Pamunkey Regional Library can benefit you and your family, please visit your local branch library or email

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Rev 2/2016